True gems of knowledge
Jewels for Healthy Living
The best part of the multiple award-winning television series, Healthy Living are the rare, in-depth interviews with the doctors and health practitioners – it’s the stuff they couldn’t or wouldn’t tell on the air!

After Jane and most of the crew had gone home, I was able to sit down with some of the guests and ask my very own questions. “Do our hearts really skip a beat when we sneeze?”
“If I am angry when I eat, will my body really assimilate the food poorly? “Does the water I drink truly react to environment in which it is kept? And can that be proven scientifically?”
Although the funding for a second TV season never came to fruition, the opportunity to take Healthy Living with Jane Seymour to DVD always remained. So I kept up the quest for knowledge and continued collecting interviews with the industry’s greatest, knowing when the timing was right, the DVD set would be released.
Now, those original, unused, “gems” plus the many years of archived interviews and current interviews with the wisest, most futuristic thinkers are being combined to create the Jewels for Healthy Living.
JANE SEYMOUR, well-known as an advocate of a healthy lifestyle, presents the line-up of acclaimed medical professionals and respected experts who explain the mysteries of preventive maintenance, as well as treatment options for chronic pain, disease and other ailments – both physical and mental.
Each of the 13 DVD’s will be laced with Jane’s original footage, combined with existing interviews and completed with new footage of medical and professional experts. Then, renowned medical authorities and experts from respected organizations across the country will be used to fully expound on each topic and create this comprehensive, unique series.
The original broadcast episodes will air on our new internet Channel, www.JaneSeymour.TV which honors Jane and her contribution to Healthy Living. Jane is well-known for her commitment to living a holistic lifestyle. So we felt it befitting that www.JaneSeymour.TV be dedicated as the official webpage for Healthy Living with Jane Seymour!
As with any endeavor such as this one, capable of affecting millions of lives, there is strength in numbers but my current team is small. If you are interested in becoming a part of Jewels for Healthy Living, please contact us. To find out how you or your company can participate in this special opportunity, visit us on Twitter.
About the Series
- Jane Seymour Bio
- Jane
- Contact Us for Advertising
- Series Management
- Expert Viewpoint: Dr. Barry Sears
“All episodes provide a wealth of information on options for alternative medicine, treatment and lifestyle.”